Sunday Breakfast


Breakfast is well known to be the most important meal of the day! On Sundays I take some more time in the morning to start my day good and fresh. Poached eggs are also not as hard as you think! On the Internet there are tons of tips and tricks about them. I simply stir the simmering water, so that a small vortex is created and then add the eggs. That’s all it needs, as simple as that! Without champagne, vinegar or other gadgets 😉 I hope I inspired your next Sunday breakfast!

2 eggs
1 avocado
half red pepper
Salt, pepper, chives to taste
NOAN Intenso
1 bagel (optional)
Lemon juice (optional)

Boil the eggs as described above for about 5 minutes (up to taste). To poach the egg easier stir the water in the pot and then pour the egg in the small vortex that is created from stiring. Slice avocado and bell pepper and put on the bagel then add the poached egg on top. Season with salt and pepper and chives on top. Enjoy your Sunday breakfast! I love adding some good high quality olive oil to my eggs so today I used some NOAN Intenso!

This post is also available in English!

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