
Tomato Bruschetta 🙂 Something you shouldn’t eat before a date 😛 Except if the date eats it too ! <3

Ingredients for about 10 pieces:
4 Tomatoes
2-3 Garlic Cloves
a hand full of Fresh Basil
3 table spoons White Balsamic Vinegar
3 table spoons Olive Oil
1/2 – 1 Baguette 
Parmesan Cheese to put on top

Peel and deseed tomatoes. When you peel them put them in boiling water for 30 sec. Not too long cause you don’t want the tomatoes to get cooked. To deseed them i usually cut them in half and just take out the seeds with my hands. Now cut them into small pieces, like you can see in the picture below. Chop the garlic and basil into very small pieces as well. Now mix it all together and add Olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Maybe some salt and pepper up to your taste ! 

Cut the baguette into about 2-3 cm thick pieces put some olive oil on top and put them in the oven at 200˚C for 5-10 min.  

Then just put the tomatoes on the bread add some cheese and one basil leave to make it look prettier 🙂 

This is a really good and simple starter when you’re hosting a dinner or something 🙂 ! Enjoy!   

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