And here the chocolate cupcake from Saturdays Nascherei 🙂
130g soft butter
130g fine sugar
3 eggs
130g flour
2 table spoons of cocoa powder (unsugared)
1 teaspoon of baking powder
120g soft butter
130g cream cheese
2 table spoons powdered sugar
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
3 tablespoons nutella (more if you love nutella 😉 )
Well this is simple mix it all together until there are no clumps left. The put in preheated oven at 180˚C for about 20 minutes. Check a couple of minutes before the 20 minutes are over, they might be done early. (How to check: take a fork or a toothpic and stag it into the biggest cupcake, if nothing is sticking on the fork or toothpic they re done).
While they re in the oven you can prepare the cream. Like above, just mix it all together, the ingredients have to be at room temperature though, or it wont really work ;).
Now put on cooled down cupcakes and you’re done 🙂
Bon Appetit!
PS: email me here: to get more information.
14. März 2013 at 9:21liebe florence, ich mag deinen blog sehr, die cupcakes sehen ja toll und super-lecker aus, die probier ich glaub ich mal :)falls du auch mal meinen fotoblog ansehen möchtest:www.evislens.wordpress.comliebe grüße von der evelyn aus der fotoschule 🙂
14. März 2013 at 9:32Hallo! 🙂 Dankeschön ! Ich schau mir gleich deinen Blog an :)Glg
16. Januar 2018 at 9:29as stelle ich mir ja doch ziemlich lecker vor. Wäre auf jeden Fall etwas für mich.