Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing

I’m so happy that I could finally use the cool food photo studio my boyfriend build for me :)! How do you like the picture ? Do you think it looks better than before ? Well lets get to the main part  … the recipe ! 🙂 

Ingredients for 2 mid size bowls of salad:
2 chicken breasts
2 salad hearts
1 1/2 hands full of chopped fennel
a hand full of chopped sellery
about 10 cherry tomatoes
1 big Avocado
1 table spoon of sunflower seeds
rosemary, chilly, salt, pepper

3 tablespoons of olive oil
3 tablespoons of white balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon of english mustard
1 teaspoon of honey

Season the chicken with salt,pepper,rosemary and some chilly. Fry for about 15 minutes depending on the size of your chicken breast. 

While its in the pan you can prepare the salad and the dressing. Chop chop chop the salad 🙂 not too small though.  

For the dressing you just have to mix it all together first and then add it to the salad.

Roast sunflower seeds in some olive oil. 

Cut the chicken into slices like in the picture below and put it on top of the salad.At last put the seeds on top 🙂  

I also like to use pumkin seed oil (if you do not live in austria, you might have never heard of it before ^^ if you get the chance to somehow get it online, or in a gourmet food store do it! Its like my favourite thing on earth! Defenitely worth a try ;)) for my dressing 🙂 If you do that I recommend roasted pumkin seeds instead or adding to the sunflower seeds :).

Bon Appetit! 

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