Chili :)

Something HOT ! 


500g minced beef
2 tablespoons soysauce
1-2 tablespoons red wine
1 tablespoon corn flour
500g red or white beans or mixed 
1 can of corn
500g chopped,peeled and deseeded tomatoes
1 chopped onion
2 chopped garlic cloves 
1 chopped red pepper
1 tablespoon grounded cumin
1 tablespoon grounded dry majoram 
1 tablespoon paprika powder
1 small spoon of grounded chili
200g tomato paste
salt, pepper
Sour cream
maybe cheese ( i didn’t use any cause I actually forgot^^ but I think it’s pretty good with some cheese on top 😉 ) 

Prepare meat first with soysauce, red wine and corn flour. Mix it until the meat soaked it all up. Brown onions and garlic then add the meat. Continuously stir the meat until its all brown and not raw anymore. Then add the herbs. After stiring for a bit add red pepper,tomatoe paste and tomatoes.Maybe some water inbetween 

Two colors look nicer than only one 😛
 Sometimes i mix the herbs and stuff so I can just add it at once 🙂 

 Stir, stir, stir theeen add beans and corn. Let it cook for  30  min or longer and add water if it seems to be to dry. 🙂 You can add a spoon of sour cream to serve it. 🙂


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