Wild Duck Breast with Orange!

Ingredients for 4 people:
4 wild  duck breasts (regular duck breasts work too, but it tastes different)
1 Orange

This recipe is actually pretty simple. But before everything you should put the breasts in milk for one day. Remember this for all recipes with game meat. Then just rub breasts with rosemary thyme salt and pepper. 

Put some oil or butter in a pan and sear the meat. 

The put in aluminium foil with an orange, and maybe some more thyme or rosemary.

Put the closed aluminium foil in the oven at about 160 ˚ C for around 20 minutes. (If you use regular duck breasts you can turn on the grill in your oven for the last 5 minutes to get the skin crunchy 🙂 )

After its dine take it out of the foil (you’ll have a lot of sauce now 😉 ) 

You can serve it with potatoe croquettes, red cabbage or other sides 😉 

Hope you enjoyed this recipe, if you have any questions just comment here or send me a message on facebook : www.facebook.com/avocadobanane

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