Gulasch :)

1 kg beef — > shoulder part should be fine, cut into 2 cm pieces/cubes  ( you can season it  with soy sauce, corn flour and red wine, like I always do, if you want to of course) 
2 chopped onions
5 bigger tomatoes, chopped and peeled
1 green pepper, chopped 
1 tablespoon mild paprika powder
1 teaspoon of hot paprika powder
1 tea spoon grounded cumin
1 tea spoon of majoran
around 70 g tomatoe paste
salt, pepper
Brown the onions, add meat, roast until its brown. Then add all the herbs and some water(like half a cup). Let it cook for a couple of minutes then add tomatoes, green pepper, tomatoe paste salt and pepper. Now let it cook at low heat for around 1-2 hours. From now and then you can add some water. Serve with some sour cream, bread or Nockerl (there is no english word for that so just comment if you want the recipe for that as well 🙂 ).
Have fun with this actually very simple recipe ! Add some chili if you want it to be spicy!
Tadaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I’m very proud of myself, cause I can make Gulasch look nice 😛 

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